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shepherd breeds of dogs Belgian malinois

 Belgian malinois shepherd

shepherd breeds of dogs Belgian malinois
shepherd breeds of dogs Belgian malinois


Breed Group: Herding
Weight: 60-65 lbs
Height: male: 24-26 inches, female 22-24 inches


The Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs have its origin in Belgium where it had been bred during the 1900s. 

These dogs' dogs were bred to be intelligent and devoted dogs, especially within the city of Malines as they were favorites there and in Belgium.


The Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs are one among the four different Belgian Sheepdogs. 
This breed is exceptionally smart and obedient. 
they need a significant demeanor with very strong protective and defensive instincts. 
However, a number of these dogs are often very timid and sensitive. 
this is often a dog that ought to be socialized from an early age onwards. 
The Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs make a superb pet that's loyal and thrive on companionship. 
this is often a dog that will get along well with children if socialized well with them. 
The Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs won't have the best if locked up during a kennel, and that they got to be included in family activities. 
These dogs require much time, attention, guidance, and company. 
they could become destructive when left alone for too long. 
The Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs may be a very energetic dog and like to have employment to try to to. 
These dogs even have a bent to bond closely with one person within the family. 
Belgian Sheepdogs can also intuitively exhibit herding behavior like chasing while moving without effort for hours and nipping at other people's heels.


This breed should be socialized well from an early age onwards as they're instinctively very protective. The Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs may be a very demanding dog and can require an experienced owner. 

it's also important that the training of those dogs isn't cruel or overbearing, as this may cause them to become stubborn. 

These dogs excel in working and competition obedience, and that they make wonderful guard and police dogs. 

At this stage, this sort of labor is their main occupation.


The Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs feature a smooth, short-haired coat, and it doesn't have high grooming needs. Their coats are often brushed daily with a firm hairbrush. 

they ought to also only be bathed when necessary as excessive bathing can remove the waterproofing from their coats. 

This breed may be a light shedding dogs, but they are doing shed constantly and heavily twice during the year.

Health problems

This breed is extremely tough and doesn't have any major health concerns. 

Some concerns that prospective owners should remember of though include skin allergies and eye problems. 

Occasionally they also suffer from hip dysplasia and elbow dysplasia.

Training Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs - How does one Train a Herding Dog just like the Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs?

Training Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs is comparatively easy because they're an extremely smart breed. 

they're herding dogs and wish to tend 'tasks' to satisfy. 

the foremost important key to recollect with a Belgian Malinois puppy is that training should begin early and be highly consistent. 

Your puppy will enjoy challenges, but like all puppies, he will have a comparatively short span to start with. 

due to this, you would like to form the challenges relatively easy to start with and allow them to get gradually more complicated and difficult. 

Although Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs are great family dogs, you'll want to be diligent with them around young children because the natural herding instinct will take over once they see running children.

Training Belgian Malinois puppies will involve the effective use of positive reinforcement. 

Because this breed is extremely loyal and anxious to please, simply indicating clearly once you are pleased will direct your puppy to good behavior. 

Keep a pocket filled with puppy treats in the least times able to reward good behavior once you find it. Your puppy's memory of what he has done lasts not than 3 to five seconds - then he will haven't any association of what the treat is for. 

you want to be diligent and focused during training sessions in the least times.

Puppies study much of their world through their mouth and nose, therefore behaviors like chewing and tipping over the trash won't be 'wrong' in their understanding. 

Punishing them for these behaviors only confuses and upsets them. 

When training Belgian Malinois shepherd breeds of dogs one among the primary command words to figure on is 'Stop'. 

during a firm and even low-toned voice command stop and reward him with a treat when he does. 

soon, any behavior that you simply deem negative is going to be ready to be controlled with this command.

Your Belgian Malinoisshepherd breeds of dogs are going to be happiest with moderate to frequent activities, and that they had best in obstacle courses and herding competitions. 

If you can't get them into these sorts of competitions consider regular exercise at the park with fetch games, Frisbees, and 'tag'. 

Training Belgian Malinois puppies to 'play' games is straightforward and rewarding and can offer you many hours of delight through their life. 

Never threaten or inflict physical punishment on your puppy this may only make them skittish and sullen. 

Instead, use consistency and positive reinforcement to assist your puppy to grow into a well-behaved dog.



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