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fluffy big dog breeds

 fluffy big dog breeds


There is a misconception that enormous dogs are fierce, but this is not the case. 

consistent with dog professionals, most of the massive dogs are total softies and everyone they need to try to do is snuggle. 

If you've got always wanted an outsized dog, here are 6 fluffy big dog breeds that are simply gentle giants:

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Bernese Mountain

fluffy big dog breeds *Bernese Mountain*
fluffy big dog breeds Bernese Mountain

Also referred to as the German the Berner Sennenhund, these dogs are patient and mellow. 

they're known to be peaceful, easygoing, and great family companions. 

While they're large and should look lazy, they are not. 

They require moderate exercises and are excellent in dog sports like rally, herding, drafting, tracking, and agility. 

A mature dog can weigh an average of 70-120 lbs.

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fluffy big dog breeds *Bullmastiff*
fluffy big dog breeds Bullmastiff

They are characterized by a solid build and short muzzle. 

The dogs' bloodlines are drawn from the extinct Old English bulldog and English Mastiff. 

They weigh 100-130 lbs and like snuggling with relations. 

Since they were originally bred to protect estates they're still good guard dogs thus can guard your home and youngsters. 

They easily adapt to a new environment thus can comfortably live almost anywhere.

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Chow Chow

fluffy big dog breeds *Chow Chow*
fluffy big dog breeds Chow Chow

Chow Chows are big fluffy dog breeds with long, dense coats. 

Despite their massive coats, they’re very low maintenance and don’t tend to shed that much. 
But you’ll get to brush these teddy bears a few times every week to stay their coats looking beautiful and free from tangles. 
a stimulating characteristic of those breeds is that they need blue-black tongues, which consistent with Chinese lore, the Chow Chow gained at the time of creation, once they licked up drops of the sky because it was being painted.
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fluffy big dog breeds *Eurasier*
fluffy big dog breeds Eurasier

Hailing from Germany around 50 years ago, the Eurasier may be a relatively new fluffy dog breed. Bred from Keeshonds, Chow-Chows, and Samoyeds, breeders chose the name ‘Eurasier’ to reflect the ECU and Asian heritage of the breed. 

They’re known for his or her huge coat which is surprisingly easy to groom and can require brushing once or twice every week to get rid of dead hair. 
Twice yearly they even have an important shedding period which lasts around three weeks.

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Great Dane

fluffy big dog breeds *Great Dane*
fluffy big dog breeds Great Dane

They are one among the tallest dog breeds alive. 

the planet record holder for the tallest dog was an excellent Dane named Zeus. 

Zeus died aged 5 years and measured 111.8 cm from paw to shoulder. 

thanks to the dogs' large size, they will have behavior problems when improperly trained and socialized; therefore, if the planning of getting the dog as your pet, have him properly trained.

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Irish Wolfhound

fluffy big dog breeds *Irish Wolfhound*
fluffy big dog breeds Irish Wolfhound

While they appear ferocious, they are not. 

Professionals ask them as true giants with gentle temperaments. 

The dogs were originally bred in Ireland to hunt wolves, but they create excellent family companions. They get alongside almost everyone including strangers, children, and other dogs. 

If planning of keeping these dogs you ought to have much space. 

this is often because they're huge. 

They weigh 105-120 pounds and stand at nearly 3 feet tall.

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fluffy big dog breeds *Leonberger*
fluffy big dog breeds Leonberger

They get their name from their origin-Leonberg, Germany. 

The dogs are known to be loyal, friendly, and sweet. 

While the dogs are great to possess, you ought to remember that they were originally bred as search and rescue dogs. 

thanks to this, they tend to be diggers and chewers. 

Leonbergers also is sloppy drinkers and eaters. 

This makes them not an honest choice if you wish to keep your home pristine. 

If you're able to overlook these "flaws", the dogs are great family companions.

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fluffy big dog breeds *Newfoundland*
fluffy big dog breeds Newfoundland

These fluffy giants are affectionate and great family companions. 

They stand 26-28 inches and may weigh up to 150 pounds. 

While they're good with all relations, they need been shown to greatly love children. 

While they will exercise within the field, they're happiest when within the water or when snuggling on the couch with relations.

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Pyrenees Mountain

fluffy big dog breeds *Pyrenees Mountain*
fluffy big dog breeds Pyrenees Mountain

This large and delicate dog breed has roots dating back as far as 3000 B.C. and was originally bred for guarding sheep and livestock. 

Unforgettable with their beautiful, big white coats, the Pyrenees Mountain Dog is a superb watchdog with exceptional hearing that’s capable of hearing your approach from a significant distance. 

They’re known to be very vocal and can use their impressively loud bark to guard your home. 

But you’ll get to ensure they’re well socialized in order that they don’t mistake visiting family or friends to be intruders.

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fluffy big dog breeds *Samoyed*
fluffy big dog breeds Samoyed

The Samoyed isn’t the most important dog on the list, but it’s certainly one among the fluffiest. 

With impressive snow-white coats, this fluffy dog breed is extremely high maintenance and through shedding season, you’ll end up having to brush a day. 

the quantity of fluff that comes out will astound you too, and you'll even think a second Samoyed has slipped into your house! If you've got time for all the dog brushing, you’ll get many rewards because their kind natures are second to none and they’ve even gained the nickname ‘Sammy smile’ due to their big, happy smiles.

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Tibetan Mastiff

fluffy big dog breeds *Tibetan Mastiff*
fluffy big dog breeds Tibetan Mastiff

Named one among the foremost expensive dogs within the entire world, the Tibetan mastiff may be a big fluffy dog breed that deserves the title. 

With a powerful mane that covers their neck and shoulders and an extended, thick coat, these dogs got to be groomed a few times every week to get rid of shed hair and stop tangles (depending on the climate, they'll also shed seasonally). 

They’re excellent guard dogs who are loyal to their loved ones, but this suggests they will even be very territorial and stubborn, so early puppy training is important so as to stop negative behaviors.


These are a number of the most important fluffy big dog breeds that are gentle giants. 

For you to urge an honest dog and fluffy big dog breeds make sure that you catch on from a reputable shelter.



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