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small breed dogs *Dachshund*


small breed dogs *Dachshund*
small breed dogs *Dachshund*




16-32 lb











small breed dogs *Dachshund*

 has an active, pleasant expression. Each of the three coat varieties has special attributes: the graceful is brief and shining, imparting some protection against the elements; the long hair is sleek, sometimes slightly wavy, providing somewhat more protection; the wire has tight, thick, and hard hair with a finer undercoat, providing maximal protection.


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small breed dogs *Dachshund*

Definitive evidence of the Dachshund as a breed isn’t found until the sixteenth century, when the reference was made to a “low crooked legged” dog called a touch Burrow Dog, Dacksel, or dachshund. the fashionable name “Dachshund” means simply badger (Dachs) dog (hund) in German.

small breed dogs *Dachshund*

 comes in three coat varieties and two sizes. the first Dachshunds were smooth-coated and arose from crosses of the Bracke, a miniature French pointer, with the Pinscher. Some evidence exists of longer-haired Dachshund-like dogs in sixteenth-century woodcuts. it's also possible that smooth Dachshunds were later crossed with spaniels and therefore the German Stoberhund (a gundog) to supply the long-haired variety. Mention is formed of wire-coated Dachshunds as early as 1797, but these dogs weren't carefully bred and the latest wires were created around the end of the nineteenth century by crossing smooth Dachshunds with German Wire-haired Pinschers and therefore the Dandie Dinmont Terrier.

Each of those varieties was best fitted to hunting under slightly different terrain and climate, but all were tough, strong dogs capable of dispatching badger, fox, and other small mammals. Before 1900, very small Dachshunds were kept forgetting to ground after small quarries, like rabbits. Although some were simply runts, others were intentionally produced by crosses with toy terriers or pinschers. Most of the resulting miniatures lacked Dachshund type, however.

By 1910, stricter criteria were adopted for type, and every coat type was crossed with different breeds to realize the simplest results: smooths were bred with the pinscher, longs with the Papillon, and wires with the schnauzer. The Dachshund has since found its real niche as a family pet, steadily rising in popularity to carry an area together of the foremost popular hounds in America.


small breed dogs *Dachshund*

 is bold, curious, and always up for an adventure. He likes to explore and dig, tracking by scent. he's independent but will take part in his family’s activities whenever given an opportunity. he's good with children in his circle of relatives, but some may bite off strange children. Most are reserved with strangers. Some bark. The longhaired variety could also be quieter and fewer terrier-like; the wires could also be more outgoing. Some miniatures are more susceptible to be timid.


Although active, the Dachshund’s exercise requirements are often met with moderate walks on leash and games within the yard. he's amenable to city life or apartment living, but it's still a hunter by history and enjoys supervised forays into the sector. the graceful coat requires minimal grooming. The long coat requires brushing or combing once or twice weekly and occasional trimming of stray hairs. The wire coat requires brushing or combing about once every week, with occasional trimming of stray hairs and professional grooming to get rid of dead hair twice a year.


small breed dogs *Dachshund*

Major concerns: intervertebral disc disease

Minor concerns: KCS

Occasionally seen: diabetes, seizures, patellar luxation, gastric torsion, Cushing’s, deafness (in double dapples)

Suggested tests: eye, knee

Life span: 12–14 years

Note: Obesity may be a common problem. “Double dapples” (homozygous merles) are more likely to possess visual and hearing problems.



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