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shepherd breeds of dogs Border collie

 Border collie shepherd breeds

shepherd breeds of dogs Border collie
shepherd breeds of dogs Border collie

Border Collie shepherd breeds of dogs - A Profile of an Exceptional Canine


Border Collie shepherd breeds of dogs are the foremost intelligent of all dog breeds. 

Their name derives from the border territories of England and Scotland, where they were developed specifically to herd sheep in open territory. 

The breed's herding instincts are acute.


Herding breeds are members of the Nordic group of dogs and are descended from Canis lupus, the northern wolf. 

Nordic dogs retain the wolf's weather-proof coat, made from a dense undercoat, and an extended topcoat to shed rain and snow. 

The fur is thickest at the chest and throat, for added protection of important organs. 

The invading Romans brought the northern wolf to the British Isles, where the domesticated wolves were used for herding livestock.

 the subsequent wave of invaders, from Scandinavia, introduced another branch of the Nordic dog genealogy, but these dogs were smaller and more agile.

More recent ancestors include various droving and gathering breeds, known generically as Shepherd's Dogs, like the now-extinct Cumberland Sheepdog, which was a black dog with a white blaze, chest, feet, and tail tip. 

The classic Border collie shepherd breeds of dogs clearly derive its physical characteristics from this bloodline.

Many of the foremost outstanding herding dogs are the descendants of an incredible athlete named Old Hemp (b. 1893, d. 1901.) Old Kep was born the year Old Hemp died. 

Naturally gentle and friendly, Old Kep was the primary dog known to use "the eye," the technique of staring down the herded animal.


Although dog fanciers breed them for purely physical characteristics, the International Sheep Dog Society recognizes a real Border collie shepherd breeds of dogs as being bred for its herding abilities, and by no other criteria. The American Kennel Club (AKC) dismayed aficionados of the dog by recognizing the breed in 1994. The danger of AKC recognition is that, as a uniform appearance is sought, the herding instinct could disappear from the breed.


Sheepdog trials are the quality of judging a superior animal. 

the primary recorded competition was in 1873, but shepherds conducted informal local trials long before that, to single out the foremost talented dogs for breeding.

Dogs are judged on their ability to maneuver sheep around on an open field or herd them into an enclosure, at the precise direction of their handler. 

Border Collie shepherd breeds of dogs have a keen sense of hearing and may detect variations within the handler's whistle, signifying distinct commands.

Ideal dogs are people who are swift, obedient, which don't terrorize the sheep, instead of eliciting respect through intense eye contact.


o Body: medium-sized, longer than it's tall.

o Skull and muzzle: approximately equal length, with a moderate stop.

o Teeth: strong, meet during a scissors bite.

o Eyes: Oval, set well apart.

o Eye color: brown. In "merle" colorations, the eyes could also be blue.

o Ears: medium-sized, set well apart, carried erect, or semi-erect.

o Tail: medium length, brushy.

o Coat: short and sleek (1 inch long); or coarse and rough (3 inches long,) but always short and sleek on the face, front legs, and ears.

o Color: black and white are that the classic coloration, with all black and everyone white, sometimes seen. 

Merle (solid base color with patches or spots). 

Other variations are red and white, yellow and white, tri-color, and sable.

o Lifespan: an average of 12 years.


o Intelligent

o Trainable

o Hard-working

o Loyal

o Energetic

o Athletic

o Fast

o Agile


Border Collie shepherd breeds of dogs aren't for the neglectful owner. 

With their superior intelligence comes a requirement for the mind to be exercised also because of the body. 

A bored herding dog can become hyperactive and destructive, or might find its own work to try to, like herding family pets and little children.

In the appropriate setting, Border Collie shepherd breeds of dogs are fantastic companion animals. 

Their high degree of trainability and superior agility brings daunting competitors in dog sports competitions. 

they're loyal dogs that enjoy an in-depth relationship with their owners and don't wish to be left alone. Once conversant in the breed's unique characteristics, many dog lovers feel they might never own any dog aside from a Border collie shepherd breeds of dogs.

Kay Zee would like to own a Border collie shepherd breeds of dogs but is afraid the dog would finish up herding her cats. and perhaps her husband, too.



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