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small breed dogs *Cairn Terriers*

small breed dogs *Cairn Terriers*

small breed dogs *Cairn Terriers*
small breed dogs *Cairn Terriers*




13-14 lb








Middle Ages

This is a working terrier and is hardy, game, and active. Cairn Terriers are short-legged, and longer than tall, but not as low to the bottom because of the Sealyham or Scottish Terriers. Their build enables them to suit into close quarters in pursuit of their quarry. Their head is shorter and wider than the other terrier, giving them good jaw strength. The weather-resistant coat consists of a soft, close undercoat and a profuse, harsh outer coat. Furnishing round the face adds to its somewhat foxy expression.


small breed dogs *Cairn Terriers*

One of a family of short-legged terriers developed on the Scottish Isle of Skye, the cairn probably still resembles the ancestral form to a greater degree than others descended from an equivalent origin. These dogs seem to possess existed since the fifteenth century and were wont to hunt fox, badger, and otter. The dogs were adept at bolting otters from the cairns (piles of stone that served as landmarks or memorials).

The dogs came during a sort of color, starting from white to gray to red, and were all considered Scotch Terriers once they began to enter the show ring. In 1873, they were divided into Dandie Dinmont and Skye Terriers, with the Cairn within the latter group. This group was later again divided into Skye and Hard-haired Terriers in 1881, and therefore the Hard-haired Terriers eventually separated into Scotch, West Highland White, and therefore the breed eventually referred to as the Cairn. At just one occasion, the Cairn was called the Short-haired Skye, then the cairn or Skye, and eventually, around 1912, the cairn.

Some of the foremost influential early Cairns were all white, but white, also as mixing with West Highland Whites, was banned by the 1920s. The breed became quite popular in England, and fairly popular in America, gaining its greatest fame because the dog playing Toto within the Wizard of Oz. together of the more natural and fewer sculpted terriers, the breed is very regarded by those that appreciate a working terrier. Perhaps the motto of the British breed club sums it up best: The best little pal within the world.


small breed dogs *Cairn Terriers*

The Cairn is the essence of a terrier; plucky, spirited, bold, inquisitive, hardy, clever, stubborn, and scrappy. Cairns are aware of their family's wishes, however, and check out to please; actually, they're surprisingly sensitive. These dogs are often good pets as long as they're given daily physical and mental exercise during a safe area. They enjoy twiddling with children, but are often assertive with other dogs and chases small animals, so introduce carefully. They like to sniff, explore, and hunt. They dig; some bark.


small breed dogs *Cairn Terriers*

Despite their small size, Cairns need outdoor exercise a day, either a moderate walk on a leash, a fun game within the yard, or an excursion during a safe area. Their wire coat needs combing once weekly, plus professional grooming a minimum of twice yearly.


small breed dogs *Cairn Terriers*

Major concerns: none

Minor concerns: shunt, glaucoma (in association with or without ocular melanosis), CMO

Occasionally seen: GCL, patellar luxation, congenital heart defects

Suggested tests: GCL, knee, eye, cardiac

Life span: 1214 years


small breed dogs *Cairn Terriers*

Note: While the characteristics mentioned here may frequently represent this breed, dogs are individuals whose personalities and appearances will vary. Please consult the adoption organization for details on a selected pet.



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