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small breed dogs *Havanese*


small breed dogs *Havanese*
small breed dogs *Havanese*




7-13 lb








Ancient times


Bichon Havanais

small breed dogs *Havanese*

The Havanese may be a small, sturdy, short-legged dog with a singular gait that's exceptionally lively and springy, accentuating the dog’s happy nature. The coat is double, with both under and outer coat soft. The profuse outer coat is extremely long, reaching 6 to eight inches long, and ranges from straight to curly, with wavy preferred. The curly coat is allowed to cord. The Havanese features a gentle expression.


small breed dogs *Havanese*

The Havanese is one among the Barbichon (later shortened to Bichon) family of small dogs originating within the Mediterranean in past. Spanish traders brought a number of these dogs with them as gifts for Cuban women, allowing them to determine trading relationships. In Cuba, the small dogs were pampered because of the special pets of the rich. They became referred to as Habeneros, and eventually, some found their way back to Europe where they were called the White Cuban. They became quite popular, not only as pets of the elite but also as performing dogs. Their popularity as pets waned, however, and their stronghold remained within the circus, where they performed throughout Europe as trick dogs. Eventually, the breed declined in numbers to such an extent that it had been almost extinct not only in Europe but also in its native Cuba. a couple of remaining in Cuba, however, and three families with their Havanese left Cuba for us during the 1950s and 1960s. Most present-day Havanese descend from these dogs. it's gradually aroused attention from dog fanciers and pet owners, and in 1996 the primary Havanese entered an AKC show ring and was accepted for normal recognition as a member of the Toy Group as of the primary day of 1999. The Havanese is additionally referred to as the Havana Silk Dog.


small breed dogs *Havanese*

This is a busy, curious dog, happiest when residing in the middle of the attention of the family. The Havanese likes to play and clown and is affectionate to family, children, strangers, other dogs, and pets—basically everyone! This breed is willing to please, learns easily, and may tend to be vocal.


small breed dogs *Havanese*

Although energetic, the exercise needs of the Havanese are often met with a brief walk or an honest play session. Coat care entails a full brushing two to fourfold every week. this is often a non-shedding dog. Loose hairs are caught within the outer hairs, tending to tangle unless they're combed out regularly.


small breed dogs *Havanese*

Major concerns: none

Minor concerns: patellar luxation

Occasionally seen: chondrodysplasia, Legg-Perthes, elbow dysplasia, shunt, bicuspid valve insufficiency, deafness

Suggested tests: knee, eye, hip, (cardiac), hearing

Life span: 12–14 years

Total Words: 429



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