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small breed dogs *Italian Greyhound*

 Italian Greyhound

small breed dogs *Italian Greyhound*
small breed dogs *Italian Greyhound*




7-14 lb








Ancient times


Piccolo Levrieve Italiani

small breed dogs *Italian Greyhound*

Essentially a slender miniature Greyhound, the Italian greyhound is exceptionally elegant and graceful. The breed embodies equivalent qualities that enable the full-sized Greyhound to run at top speed using the double-suspension gallop: a curvaceous outline with a small overarch the loin and good rear angulation. The gait is high stepping and free. The coat is brief and glossy like satin.


small breed dogs *Italian Greyhound*

The Italian greyhound has been around for several centuries. Exactly how and when this miniaturized Greyhound was developed has been lost in time. Evidence of dogs resembling the Italian greyhound is often found in art dating nearly 2,000 years ago from Turkey, Greece, and other areas around the Mediterranean. By the center Ages, miniaturized Greyhounds might be found throughout southern Europe, but they found special favor with Italian courtiers. The breed came to England within the seventeenth century, quickly becoming as fashionable nobility there as that they had been in their Italian homeland. In 1820, the Italian greyhound was during an ll|one amongst|one in every of"> one among only two toy breeds mentioned in a book about dogs. The Italian greyhound continued to seek out favor, reaching its peak during the reign of Victoria. then time, numbers declined and therefore the breed had dwindled to such an extent that it had almost disappeared in England after war II. One possible reason for the decline was a degradation in quality because dogs were bred for little size, often without reference to soundness and health. Fortunately, Italian Greyhounds had come to America within the late 1800s. albeit their numbers were small, they were of fantastic soundness. These dogs, along with side other imports, helped revive the breed in Europe. Since then, the breed has risen gradually in popularity and is now enjoying a second renaissance.


small breed dogs *Italian Greyhound*

A sighthound during a small package, the Italian greyhound shares its larger relatives’ characteristics. This dog likes to run and chase but is extremely gentle and sensitive. Reserved, often timid, with strangers, the Italian greyhound is dedicated to its family: good with children, other dogs, and pets. Care should be taken, as this small breed is often easily injured by boisterous children and bigger dogs.


small breed dogs *Italian Greyhound*

The Italian greyhound likes a daily romp outdoors but dislikes the cold. Exercise needs are best met with an honest walk on a leash or maybe a rollicking game indoors. This dog likes to stretch out and sprint during a safe fenced area. Care of the fine short hair is minimal, consisting only of occasional brushing to get rid of dead hair. Regular brushing of the teeth is vital during this breed to stop future dental issues.


small breed dogs *Italian Greyhound*

Major concerns: periodontitis

Minor concerns: epilepsy, leg fractures, patellar luxation, PRA

Occasionally seen: color dilution alopecia, cataract, Legg-Perthes, hypothyroidism, shunt

Suggested tests: knee, eye, hip, thyroid

Life span: 12–15 years

Note: The breed is vulnerable to leg and tail fractures. It shares the sighthound sensitivity to barbiturate anesthesia.



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